๐Ÿ“บ RevenueCat's Jacob Eiting on the Apple-EU Apppocalypse

Ariel Ariel

The EU forced Apple to change the rules and for the first time we're seeing things never imagined (like downloading apps from the web)!

We've brought in app industry veteran and RevenueCat CEO and co-founder, Jacob Eiting to casually chat about how this impacts the market going forward and what this means for developers.


  • The DMA is bad for most
  • The bext approach for right now
  • Will this happen in the US?
  • A better solution to opening up the App Store
  • Payments on the web might work, but...
  • And much more!

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Tagged: #apple #dma #eu #live

Related Resources

�� Activating Users to Drive App Revenue Growth with Hannah Parvaz from Aperture
๐Ÿ“บ Activating Users to Drive App Revenue Growth with Hannah Parvaz from Aperture

Ariel and Hannah talk about the importance of kniowing when your users really start using your app (aka. activate)