Knowledge Base

A New Look for Email Reports

Email reports are a core feature of our platform. They help our members stay on top of important information without clicking, navigating, or running any reports.

We recently introduced a brand new look for email reports that's cleaner, has built-in metric comparisons, and adapts to all screen sizes.

Here's a preview:

A new look for email reports

We first introduced the new look with the release of monthly email reports, and have since made the new look the default for every new report created, including daily and weekly reports.

We know getting used to new things isn't always easy, so we left existing reports with the original design.

If the original design works for you there's nothing you need to change. Existing reports will remain as is forever.

Switching existing reports to the new look

You can easily switch any existing daily and weekly reports to the new look.

We made a shortcut that will switch all of your reports with a single click. You'll find that option at the top of your Email Reports tab in your account.

Alternatively, you can switch reports individually by following these steps:

  1. Go into Account Settings > Email reports.
  2. Select the report you'd like to switch, and click the Edit button.
  3. Select the Options tab, and set the Look to "New".
  4. Save it.

The next report you'll get will have the new look.

Note: Editing an email report for a group of recipients requires the Admin role.

We'd love to hear what you think about the new look, so if you have any feedback please get in touch.